IDPB (Ideological Push-back of Violent Extremism in Kenya)
Violent extremist and terrorist groups such as al Shabab, al Hijra and others in the Horn of Africa have been radicalizing and recruiting mainly youth to be a part of their militant campaigns in the region and beyond. Kenya has been one of the countries whose youth have been targeted, radicalized, and joined these militant terrorist groups.
Today, however, al Shabab—the main terrorist group in the region— is on its back foot as a result of the tremendous military and ideological pressure on it. But the terrorist group continuously changes its tactics to survive. Kenya observes that renewed efforts to mobilize, radicalize, and recruit the Kenyan youth into al Shabab have been on the rise again in recent times. Thus, this poses a specific renewed threat to Kenya’s security and may reverse the gains made in the war on terror, both in Kenya and Somalia.
The youth have not only carried out attacks in Kenya but in the neighboring countries as well. Some have been active in various theatres of war outside the region, including in the Middle East. More worryingly, some religious leaders are alleged to be at the center of promoting violent extremist ideology and recruitment of younger members of their congregations to join the war in Somalia and beyond.