Clerics Visit

Re-invigorating and Revitalizing Religious Institutions and Communities in Preventing and Countering Radicalization, Violent Extremism, Terrorism

The violent extremist and terrorist groups such as Al Shabab, Al Hijra and others in the Horn of Africa have been radicalizing and recruiting mainly youth, to be a part of their militant campaigns in the region and beyond. The so called Islamic State (IS), have successfully recruited from the region. Kenya has been one of those countries where its youth have been targeted, and have joined these militant terrorist groups.

With this background the Horn Institute for Strategic Studies, in partnership with the Center for Sustainable Conflict Resolution, the BRAVE Network, and identified Local and National Muslim structures will engage influential Muslim scholars from Sudan, Egypt and Jordan to do prevent and counter violent extremism in Kenya. The goals of the Project include; Preventing and Countering Radicalization, Violent Extremism, Terrorism in Kenya and Enabling and Encouraging Faith and Community Leaders to take more Robust counter-measures to Prevent and Counter Radicalization and Violent Extremism through visits by Influential Clerics from Sudan, Egypt and Jordan